Full Financial Planning Package
(Price: Individuals-$999; Couples-$1,999)
Strategy Session #1: Money Management (1.5-2 Hr Each)
Learn about the Behavioral relationship between your mind and your money
Discuss Short-Term (1-5 years), Intermediate (10 years), Long Term (20+) Goals
Tax Analysis for Efficiency in Maximizing Monthly Cash Flow
Conduct Cash Flow Analysis
Debt Payoff Discussion/Strategy (Student Loans, Mortgage, Credit Cards, car payments, etc)
Discuss Short-term Savings Needs and how much should be in your savings account
Action Item: Implementing a Money Management system, that allows for freedom of spending, prioritizing saving, paying bills on time, and paying off or staying out of debt
Strategy Session #2: Investment Planning (1.5-2 Hr Each)
Introduction to investing and discuss the important factors necessary to make prudent investment decisions
Introduction of Macro-economic Framework used in various periods of historical economic periods
Riskalyze Behavioral test to quantify risk tolerance used to create and rebalance existing and future investment portfolios
Discuss key factors used to calculate the Student Aid Index and put together an educational funding plan
Housing Analysis for a future home purchase
Action Items: Identify any blind spots in our plan we haven’t addressed or have no existing plan in place.
Strategy Session #3: Retirement Planning (1.5-2 Hr Each)
Analysis of Current Retirement Benefits (Old and Existing Plans)
Deferred Compensation/401K Investment Analysis
Discuss the impact of taxes on your retirement income and how it compares to current cash flow and budget
Social Security Maximization: Run various scenarios of when to start taking social security payouts while looking at other forms of retirement assets to see which scenario is the most advantageous while maximizing cash flow.
Present your Retirement Analysis
Action Item: Implement steps to increase future retirement income and/or strategize any opportunities to create new streams of revenue
Strategy Session #4: Risk Management 1.5-2 Hr Each)
Life Insurance Assessment
Long-Term Care Discussion & Needs Assessment
Parental Care Plan
Estate Planning (Guardianship of a minor, living trust, basic wills)
Action Items: Start to address any risk management areas that need addressing and fill in the itemized items above